Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quick observation

Remember this gal?

Well, now she's this gal

Yep, she's sick. Not real sick...just has a little fungus of the ring worm variety(yes, disgusting I know...)

So I call Dr/Aunt Kelly and describe the spots on her "dog niece" (her term not mine).

Ring worm Kelly says

(I gag). Well how do I get rid of them????

Kelly says, get some Monistat or Lotrimin cream and rub that on the spots. So I go to walgreens and check the active ingredients on both.

Who would have ever thought you could rub the exact same medicine on a guys stinky feet, a dogs scabs and a

Am I the only one baffled by this?

Dating Lesson: if you snoop in your date's medicine cabinet and find some weird cream, have no fear... Maybe their poor pup just has the itches....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. oh poor penny. i always heard ringworm was from cats. has she been dating outside her species? harlot.
