Tuesday, October 25, 2011

From Mother to Daughter

My mom isn't the most technology savvy person on this planet.

She frequently tells her smart phone to "quit being such a jerk" and doesn't have internet at the house (gasp? yeah, I'm with you) so she never reads my blog.

However, when we are together, she asks me what I have been blogging about lately.

This weekend after I gave her a run down of the dating life of her youngest, she really perked up and said, "Oh! I need to tell you about my first date."

I think it is important for all of you in the interwebs to know this story. Once you know how my mom's dating life started, I think it will become much more clear that this saga of mine is inherited.

I can't help it. Nature vs. Nurture, people...and this is Nature

Flashback to 1973, my mom, is a sophomore in high school.

Its a small town, so being asked out on her first date by someone that she had seen at family reunions didn't really seem like a big deal.

What was a big deal, was that it was the cutest boy in the 11th grade. Count her in!

My grandparents were going to be out of town but my grandma easily approved my mom's date...since it was with her cousin's son after all, and off my mom went.

During the movies, my uncle called the theatre and told my mom and her cutesy date that they had to leave because there was a big hail storm coming and she would have to spend the night with Rick. The creek was up, too high to cross.

Yes, you read that right...my mom had to spend the night with her first date...who was her cousin.

There are a lot of things I inherited from my mom that I love. But the fact that we both had a crush (albeit short for me) on our second cousins...now that's an inherited trait I could do without!

Dear future daughters,
I will let you date whomever you choose. As long as their last name isn't Boecker, Staudt or Brandenberger.
Hugs, your future mother


  1. hahaha, I know the feeling. Coming from a small town you are either related to everyone or were raised as family soooo dating gets to be a tricky subject... Thanks for the giggles :) http://affectionatelytornadoaly.blogspot.com/

  2. Why do all parents who are self-proclaimed 'technologically impaired' own every piece of technology? Eric's mom has a complex cable system with a flat screen tv, GPS, cell phone, and a new computer & she frequently calls us to see if it's the red button that turns the phone on!
    Love the cousin stories....my dad's family tree has one loop in it, but we swear it's all through marriage...all I know is my dad says "hello niece" & she responds "hello cousin."

  3. The more I thought about this, I have to admit that for my age, I am very technologically impaired. But also don't own very many gadgets for that reason. Love the line "quit being a jerk."
